Kamis, 22 November 2012

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HP. 08122353284

The Relative Importance of Perceived Ease of Use in IS Adoption : A Study of E-Commerce Adoption

David Gefen
Published  : Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Volume 1, Article 8
October 2000

The technology acceptance model (Davis 1989) is one of the most widely
used models of IT adoption. According to TAM, IT adoption is influenced by two
perceptions: usefulness and ease-of-use. Research has shown that perceived
usefulness (PU) affects intended adoption of IT, but has mostly failed to do so
regarding perceived ease of use (PEOU). The basic proposition of this study is that
this varying importance of PEOU may be related to the nature of the task. PEOU
relates to assessments of the intrinsic characteristics of IT, such as the ease of use,
ease of learning, flexibility, and clarity of its interface. PU, on the other hand, is a
response to user assessment of its extrinsic, i.e., task-oriented, outcomes: how IT helps users achieve task-related objectives, such as task efficiency and effectiveness.
Accordingly, the study theorizes that PEOU directly affects IT adoption only
when the primary task for which the IT is deployed is directly associated with
intrinsic IT characteristics, such as when the task itself is an integral part of an IT
interface. Extending this proposition to e-commerce, it was hypothesized that when
a Web site is used to purchase products, PEOU would not affect IT adoption
because IT ease-of-use is not an inherent quality of the purchased product. On the
other hand, when the Web site is used to inquire about products, PEOU should
affect IT adoption because the required information is embedded in the IT and thus
its quality is directly related to IT ease-of-use. Data collected from 217 subjects in
a free simulation experiment support these hypotheses. Implications for future Web
development and theoretical refinements are discussed.
Keywords: Technology acceptance model, TAM, e-commerce, perceived
ease of use, PEOU, perceived usefulness, PU, IT adoption, diffusion of innovation
theory, Web development, system use, intrinsic and extrinsic tasks

Since its introduction, the technology acceptance model (Davis 1989; Davis
et al. 1989)—TAM—has received considerable attention in the IT community.
Recent studies suggest it applies also to e-commerce and to the adoption of
Internet technology (Gefen 1997). In essence, TAM posits that IT adoption is
affected by prior use-related beliefs. TAM identified two such beliefs: perceived
usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). The former is “the degree to
which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job
performance” (Davis 1989, p. 320); while the latter is “the degree to which a person
believes that using a particular system would be free of effort” (Davis 1989, p. 320).
These two beliefs create a favorable disposition or intention toward using the IT that .... . . .. . (baca_selengkapnya )

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management). 
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Common Causes of Trust, Satisfaction and TAM in Online Shopping: An Integrated Model

Hanh Nguyen T.H. & Ling-Lang Tang

Trust and Habit in E-Service Continuance: An Integrated Model

Shuyan CAO, Hongxing YIN
Published : Journal of Computational Information Systems 6:11 (2010) 3595-3604

Some of present studies based on Trust-Theory propose a model for the repurchasing behavior of the customer of online stores that sell physical products, whether those studies can be applied to users in E-Service context is not validated. They also don’t take into account other factors which have effects on the repurchasing behavior of the customer. This paper proposes an integrated model which argues that both the users’ trust in e-vendors and users’ habits of using the E-service can lead to their  continual usage of the E-service. Contrary to the opinions of Gefen [4], this paper suggests that it is
perceived usefulness and ease of use that contribute to the development of user’s habits. Surveys and experiments are conducted according to our model. The online questionnaires are sent to those who are the owner of company and who are accounting employees. The result of data shows that trust of users in service providers and users’ habits have direct positive effects on the users’ intentions to continuing using E-Service.
Keywords: Habit; e-Service; Continuous Usage

1. IntroductionSince 1997, the Information Industry in China has grown rapidly [1]. In December 2008, the number of Internet users in China rose to 298 million, surpassing the United States to become the top of the world according to the 23rd China Internet Development Statistics Report by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) [2].Clearly, there’s no doubt about the bright prospects of electronic commerce, either for online physical products stores or for online service providers. This naturally brings e-venders lots of opportunities to develop new customers. However, retaining old customers can be more . . . . . . . .. . (baca_selengkapnya )

.E:\K A N A I D I\Data\My Docu\aKEN\Poltek\e-Commerce

E-commerce: the role of familiarity and trust

David Gefen
Published : International Journal of Management Science (Omega), 28 (2000) 725±737


Familiarity is a precondition for trust, claims Luhmann [28: Luhmann N. Trust and power. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 1979 (translation from German)], and trust is a prerequisite of social behavior, especially regarding important decisions. This study examines this intriguing idea in the context of the  E-commerce involved in inquiring about and purchasing books on the Internet. Survey data from 217 potential users support and extend this hypothesis. The data show that both familiarity with an Internet vendor and its processes and trust in the vendor in¯uenced the respondents' intentions to inquire about books, and their intentions to purchase them. Additionally, the data show that while familiarity indeed builds trust, it is primarily people's disposition to trust that a€ected their trust in the vendor. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

Keywords: E-commerce; Trust; Familiarity; Internet; Motivation

1. Introduction
E-commerce is growing at an exponential rate. The
credit card company Visa, for example, reports that its
clients' Internet purchases reached the $13 billion mark
this year, accounting for approximately 1% of its total
charge activity. This ®gure is expected to reach the
$100 billion mark and 11% of its total transactions by
the year 2003 and is expected to be one of the major
activities of credit card companies in the future [41].
This forecast is anything but farfetched, given that
only as far back as 1996 Internet commerce was only
between $500 and $600 million [3]. Among the most
popular items of E-commerce, according to the Better
Business Bureau are books, CDs, and subscriptions to . . . . . .. . . . .(baca_selengkapnya )

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
Butuh Artikel/Jurnal lainnya ?, click di :
 E:\K A N A I D I\Data\My Docu\aKEN\POLTEK\e-Commerce


Oleh: Agung Adiono

Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan kelompok pelaku ekonomi terbesar dalam perekonomian Indonesia dan terbukti menjadi katup pengaman perekonomian nasional dalam masa krisis, serta menjadi dinamisator pertumbuhan ekonomi pasca krisis ekonomi. Selain menjadi sektor usaha yang paling besar kontribusinya terhadap pembangunan nasional, UMKM juga menciptakan peluang kerja yang cukup besar bagi tenaga kerja dalam negeri, sehingga sangat membantu upaya mengurangi pengangguran.
                Salah satu kunci keberhasilan usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah adalah adalah tersedianya pasar yang jelas bagi produk UMKM. Sementara itu kelemahan mendasar yang dihadapi UMKM dalam bidang pemasaran adalah orientasi pasar rendah, lemah dalam persaingan yang kompleks dan tajam serta tidak memadainya infrastruktur pemasaran. Menghadapi mekanisme pasar yang makin terbuka dan kompetitif, penguasaan pasar merupakan prasyarat untuk meningkatkan daya saing. Oleh karena itu, peran pemerintah diperlukan dalam mendorong keberhasilan UMKM untuk memperluas akses pasar melalui pemberian fasilitas teknologi informasi berbasis web yang dapat digunakan sebagai media komunikasi bisnis global.
Dengan demikian diharapkan UKM dapat mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan dalam mempromosikan usahanya, mengakses informasi faktor-faktor produksi, melakukan transaksi usaha, serta melakukan komunikasi bisnis lainnya secara global, dalam rangka memperluas jaringan usahanya.

Pengertian e-commerce
Teknologi informasi merupakan bentuk teknologi yang digunakan untuk menciptakan,.........
.. . . . .(baca_selengkapnya )

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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Rabu, 21 November 2012


oleh : Rahmat Hidayat

Publikasi pada : Indonesian Scientific Journal Database, Edisi 19 Januari 0912

.. . . . .(baca_selengkapnya )

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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Minggu, 18 November 2012


1.    Pengukuran Kesenjangan Antara Harapan dan Persepsi Kualitas Layanan (Service Quality) Pendidikan di Politeknik Pos Indonesia. Oleh : Kanaidi, Imam Kambali & Hilman Setiadi (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2002).
2.    Pengaruh Remunerasi dan Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Terhadap Kinerja PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Oleh: I Wayan Kemara Giri & Kanaidi (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2003).
3.    Analisis Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Pada Jasa Logistik PT Pos Indonesia (Persero). Oleh : I Made Wirya Suputra & Kanaidi (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2005).
4.    Pengaruh Kinerja Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Jasa EMS di Wilayah Pos Bandung Raya (Dengan Pendekatan Quality Function Develoyment / QFD) Oleh: Kanaidi (Penelitian Mandiri, Tahun 2007). Publikasi pada : COMPETITIVE, Vol.4. No.1, Maret 2008. ISSN : 0216-2539.  http://ken-qfd.blogspot.com/2012/11/pengaruh-kinerja-kualitas-pelayanan.html atau http://www.scribd.com/doc/41377463/Pengaruh-Kualitas-Pelayanan-Terhadap-Customer-Loyalty-Jasa-EMS-PT-Pos-Indonesia
5.    Keterkaitan Service Quality terhadap Satisfaction, Reputation, Switching Cost, dan Loyalty. Oleh : Kanaidi & Suparno Saputra (Penelitian Hibah Bersaing DIKTI/DIKNAS, Tahun 2007). Artikel Ilmiah dipublikasikan pada Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen & Ekonomi, Bandung, Vol. 8 No. 4 Mei 2007, hal. 1279-1289. http://ken-servqual1.blogspot.com/2009/11/analisis-service-quality-satisfaction.html
6.    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Jasa Pendidikan di Politeknik Pos Indonesia (Dengan Pendekatan Quality Function Develoyment/QFD). Oleh : Suparno Saputra & Kanaidi. (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2008). http://ken-servqual1.blogspot.com/2010/10/pengaruh-kinerja-kualitas-pelayanan.html
7.    Pengaruh Customer Value terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pelanggan Jasa EMS di Wilayah Pos Bandung Raya. Oleh : Senny Handayani & Kanaidi (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2008). Publikasi pada : COMPETITIVE, ISSN : 0216-2539 Vol.5 No.2, Desember 2009, 95-101. http://ken-value.blogspot.com/2012/11/pengaruh-customer-value-terhadap.html
8.    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Jasa Paketpos di Wilayah Pos Bandung Raya (Dengan Pendekatan Importance Performance Analysis/IPA), Oleh : I Wayan Kemara Giri, Kanaidi  & Suparno Saputra. (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2008.). http://poltekpos.ac.id/repository/gdl.php?mod=browse&op=read&id=1--kanaidi-12
9.    Pengaruh CRM dan Corporate Image terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Bank Jabar Cabang Suci di Bandung. Oleh : Henny Utarsih & Kanaidi (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2008).  http://ken-image.blogspot.com/2009/06/pengaruh-crm-terhadap-corporate-image.html
10. Daya Pikat Pesan Iklan Sebagai Upaya Menarik Minat Pelanggan, Tahun 2008. Oleh : Kanaidi (Artikel Ilmiah dipublikasikan pada Majalah Competitive, Bandung, Vol. 4 No. 2 Desember 2008, hal. 72-87). http://www.ken-iklan.blogspot.com/
11. Analisis Daya Saing Produk Pos Standar dan Pos Prima PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Dengan Pendekatan Segmenting, Targeting, dan Positioning (STP). Oleh : Kanaidi, dkk (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2008). http://ken-stp.blogspot.com/2009/11/analisis-daya-saing-layanan-pt-pos.html
12. Penelitian Potensi Pasar Untuk Pengembangan Pelayanan Kantor Pos Pasar di Pasar Tradisional Wilayah Usaha Pos V JABAR. Oleh: Suparno Saputra, Kanaidi, dkk (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2008)
13. Survei Peluang Pengembangan Pelayanan Jasa Micro Finance Di Kecamatan Jatinangor, Tanjungsari, dan Sekitarnya. Oleh : Kanaidi (Penelitian Mandiri, Tahun 2009).
14. Penelitian Pengaruh Customer Value Terhadap Corporate Image Layanan Jasa Paketpos PT Pos Indonesia, Tahun 2009. Oleh : Kanaidi (Penelitian Dosen Muda DIKTI/DIKNAS) Dipublikasikan pada : ProMark Vol.1 No. 2 Desember 2010, hal.83-99. ISSN : 2087-3077) http://ken-promark.blogspot.com/2010/11/pengaruh-customer-value-dan-corporate.html
15. Penelitian Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management, Citra. dan Customer Trust Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Tabungan Bank Jabar Cabang Tamansari Bandung. Oleh: Imam Kambali, Kanaidi & Suparno Saputra (Penelitian Kelompok Dosen Muda DIKTI/DIKNAS, Tahun 2009). Publikasi pada : COMPETITIVE,    Volume 6  No.2, Desember 2010, hal.75-96 - ISSN : 0216-2539. http://ken-crm.blogspot.com/2012/11/15-penelitian-pengaruh-customer.html
16. Penelitian Analisis Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust, Reputation, dan Loyalitas Konsumen Jasa Logistik PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero), Oleh : Kanaidi & Suparno Saputra (Penelitian Hibah Bersaing DP2M Ditjen DIKTI, Tahun 2009). Publikasi pada : Jurnal BISNIS, MANAJEMEN & EKONOMI_Universitas Widyatama. ISSN: 1693-8305. http://ken-servqual1.blogspot.com/2009/11/analisis-service-quality-satisfaction.html

17. Penelitian “Pengaruh Customer Value terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah pada BMT Wahana Mandiri Jatayu Bandung” Oleh : Kanaidi dan Santilawati (Penelitian Mandiri). Publikasi pada : Jurnal ProMaRK Vol.  1, No.1 Juni 2010. ISSN : 2087-3077. http://ken-promark.blogspot.com/2010/10/pengaruh-customer-value-terhadap.html

18. Pengaruh Kualitas Jasa, Nilai Jasa, dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Perilaku Minat Pembelian Konsumen Jasa Pos Express di Wilayah Pos Bandung Raya. Oleh: Rudy Dauhan & Kanaidi (Penelitian Dosen Muda DIKTI/DIKNAS, Tahun 2010). Publikasi pada : Jurnal ProMaRK Vol.  2, No.1 Juni 2011. ISSN : 2087-3077). http://ken-value.blogspot.com/2010/11/pengaruh-kualitas-jasa-nilai-jasa-dan.html

19. Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Produk Laptop Merek TOSHIBA, LENOVO, dan SONY Di Wilayah Bandung. Oleh : Kanaidi & Dadang Setiawan (Penelitian Mandiri 2010). Publikasi pada : Jurnal ProMaRK Vol.  2, No.2 Desember  2011. ISSN : 2087-3077. http://poltekpos.ac.id/repository/gdl.php?mod=browse&op=read&id=1--kanaididan-86

20. “UPAYA PENERAPAN TECHNO ECONOMY PADA UMKM DI INDONESIA DENGAN MODEL PROGRAM DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG BARAT”, Oleh : Kanaidi & Amrizal. (Artikel Ilmiah dipublikasikan pada Procceding Seminar Nasional Techno-Economy Univ.WIDYATAMA, Bandung, Februari 2010, hal. 1-15) http://poltekpos.ac.id/repository/gdl.php?mod=browse&op=read&id=1--kanaidiamr-52&newtheme=green
21. Survei Peluang Angkutan Feeder Kereta Api KRL di Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi. Oleh : A. Yunani, Kanaidi, dkk (Penelitian Kelompok, Tahun 2010).
22. Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Brand Image PT. POS INDONESIA (Studi pada Kantorpos Besar Medan 20000)  oleh : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Publikasi pada : Proceeding Seminar Nasional Akuntansi - Bisnis (SNAB) 2012, 27 Maret 2012, ISSN : 2252-3936) http://ken-kepuasan.blogspot.com/2012/03/analisis-kepuasan-pelanggan-dan-brand.html
23. ANALISIS CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM)  PADA SBU POS ADMAIL. Oleh : Kanaidi & Ari Kurniawan. (Penelitian Mandiri 2011). Publikasi pada: Jurnal BANKING & MANAGEMENT, Vol 1. No.1, Mei 2012  ISSN : 2252-8520) http://ken-crm.blogspot.com/2011/11/analisis-customer-relationship.html atau  : http://www.ekuitas.ac.id/file/image/Jurnal/Kanaidi%20%26%20Ari%20Kurniawan.pdf
24. PENGARUH BRAND EQUITY TERHADAP LOYALITAS KONSUMEN TEH BOTOL SOSRO DI KALANGAN MAHASISWA POLITEKNIK POS INDONESIA  Oleh : Kanaidi dan Desi Nurmayasari (Penelitian Mandiri 2012). Publikasi pada : Jurnal ProMaRK Vol.  2, No.2 Desember  2011. ISSN : 2087-3077. http://ken-brand1.blogspot.com/2012/11/pengaruh-brand-equity-terhadap.html
25. Survei Kesiapan Karyawan PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) dalam Menghadapi Perubahan Organisasi dan Dukungan Penerapan GCG di PT Pos Indonesia. Oleh : Kanaidi & Suparno Saputra (Penelitian Hibah Bersaing DIKTI/DIKNAS, Tahun 2012). http://ken-gcg.blogspot.com/2012/11/peranan-internal-marketing-dalam.html

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis Buku, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen  Marketing Management).
e-mail ke : kana_ati@yahoo.com atau kanaidi@poltekpos.ac.id
HP. 08122353284